Von Freuds Kampf gegen den Krebs bis zur modernen Kieferchirurgie: Ein historischer Einblick in die Pionierarbeit von Dr. Pichler



Dear Sigmund,

I understand that you are currently on your way to an appointment with Dr. Pichler, and it is entirely natural to feel a sense of apprehension. The last surgical procedure you underwent was performed on October 4, 1923. During this operation, Dr. Pichler conducted an extensive neck dissection and ligated the external carotid artery. Following this, on October 12, 1923, under local anesthesia, he resected a significant portion of your right maxilla, part of the mandible, the right soft palate, and the buccal and lingual mucosae. The histological examination of the surgical specimen, fortunately, did not identify signs of malignancy, which was a positive outcome.

It is important to remember that the feelings of fear and anxiety you are experiencing are a normal psychological response to the anticipation of medical procedures. These feelings can be particularly intense when facing the unknown or recalling past experiences. As your friend and psychoanalyst, I am here to support you through these challenging times.

Please take comfort in knowing that Dr. Pichler is a skilled professional who has taken great care in your treatment thus far. I trust that he will continue to provide you with the best possible care.

Warm regards,

Max Schur
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2024-01-06 17:25 Telekonsultation

Dear Sigmund Freud,

I hope this letter finds you in a state of calm as you make your way to our clinic. I understand that the anticipation of a medical appointment, especially one involving surgical procedures, can be a source of anxiety. It is natural to feel apprehensive, and I want to assure you that you are in capable hands.

Your last surgical procedure was performed on September 1938. During this operation, I addressed the recurrent cancerous lesions that had manifested in the oral cavity. The procedure involved meticulous surgical excision of the affected tissues to manage the disease and alleviate symptoms that were causing you discomfort.

As your surgeon, my priority is to ensure that you receive the best possible care, with an emphasis on maintaining your quality of life. We have worked together through various challenges, and I am committed to continuing to provide you with the highest standard of treatment.

Please rest assured that every step of the procedure will be explained to you in detail, and I will be available to answer any questions or concerns you may have. Your courage and resilience throughout your treatment have been remarkable, and I am here to support you through this next phase of your care.

I look forward to seeing you soon and discussing the next steps in your treatment plan.

Warm regards,

Hans Pichler
Head of the Maxillofacial Surgery Department
First Surgical University Clinic
Vienna, Austria

Termin vereinbaren

Ordination Dr. Michael Truppe
Albertgasse 3/6 1080 Wien

Telefon 01 408 95 00 66
Email ordination@smile.wien

Ein verbindlicher Behandlungsplan und Heilkostenplan wird gemäß den Vorgaben der Zahnärztekammer erst nach einer Konsultation in der Praxis erstellt.

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Dr. Michael Truppe

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