Von der Krebschirurgie zur Palliativpflege: Sigmund Freuds mutiger Kampf gegen den Mundkrebs



Dear Sigmund,

I hope this letter finds you in a moment of peace amidst the trials you are enduring. I am writing to you not only as your psychoanalyst but as a friend who deeply respects your courage and intellect.

Your last surgery, as you well remember, was an attempt to address the malignancy that has taken residence in your mouth. The procedure was a meticulous surgical excision, aimed at removing the cancerous tissue that has been causing you such distress. It was a complex operation, reflective of the intricate nature of head and neck cancers, and the delicate structures they involve. The surgical team, aware of the gravity and the risks, proceeded with the utmost care to preserve function and to provide relief from the symptoms that have been so burdensome to you.

In our discussions, we have often explored the somatic and psychological aspects of the affects. The physical manifestations of your illness are intertwined with the psychological impact it has on your ego, your sense of self, and your emotional well-being. The pain and discomfort you experience are not merely physical sensations but are deeply connected to your emotional state. This connection is at the heart of our work together, as we navigate the psychosomatic landscape of your experience.

As your friend and confidant, I want to assure you that whatever decisions lie ahead, I will stand by you. If the medical team determines that the cancer cannot be operated on again, we will face that reality together. My support for you is unwavering, and I will be there to help you process the emotional and psychological ramifications of such news. We will continue to explore the depths of your psyche, to find solace and strength in the rich inner world you have cultivated throughout your life.

In the face of such adversity, your resilience and your commitment to understanding the human condition are all the more remarkable. Your work has illuminated the darkest corners of the mind, and now, in this personal struggle, you are shedding light on the profound connection between the body and the psyche.

Please know that my thoughts are with you, and my door is always open for our continued dialogue. Together, we will confront the challenges that lie ahead with the same rigor and introspection that have defined our journey thus far.

With deepest respect and empathy,

Max Schur
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  • Malignancy: A term for diseases in which abnormal cells divide without control and can invade nearby tissues. In this context, it refers to cancer.
  • Surgical Excision: A surgical procedure in which a doctor removes tissue using a cutting tool. It is often used to remove cancerous cells.
  • Psychosomatic: Pertaining to the connection between the mind (psyche) and the body (soma), especially concerning how emotional states can affect physical health.
  • Ego: In psychoanalysis, the part of the personality that mediates between the demands of the id, the superego, and reality. It is responsible for testing reality and has executive functions.
  • Affects: Experiences of feeling or emotion that are a key part of the human psychological experience.
  • Resilience: The capacity to recover quickly from difficulties; psychological resilience is the ability to mentally or emotionally cope with a crisis or to return to pre-crisis status quickly.
  • Psychoanalyst: A professional who practices psychoanalysis, the therapeutic approach developed by Sigmund Freud, which explores how the unconscious mind influences thoughts and behaviors.

2024-01-06 14:13 Telekonsultation

Dear Sigmund,

I trust this letter finds you in moments of comfort amidst the challenges you have been facing. I am writing to provide you with a detailed account of your last surgical procedure and to address your concerns regarding future decisions and the support you can expect from me.

Your most recent surgery took place in September 1939. This procedure was not a conventional surgical intervention but rather a course of radiotherapy. This treatment was advised by Dr. Finzi as a palliative measure to alleviate the severe pain caused by the progression of your condition. The radiotherapy aimed to control the symptoms and improve your quality of life during this advanced stage of the disease.

During the radiotherapy sessions, you experienced significant discomfort, and Orthoform was applied directly to the mouth to provide pain relief. Unfortunately, as the disease progressed, the skin over the right zygoma became gangrenous, leading to a perforation between the oral cavity and the skin. This complication was distressing for you, particularly due to the associated odor, which affected even your cherished pet, Chow.

Regarding the nature of the procedure, radiotherapy is a non-invasive treatment that uses high-energy rays to target cancer cells. It is often employed when surgical options are limited or when the aim is to control symptoms rather than to cure the disease. The decision to proceed with radiotherapy was made with the understanding that it was the most suitable option given the circumstances.

As for your question to me, Max, I want to assure you that my commitment to your well-being remains steadfast. In the event that we are faced with a situation where surgery is no longer a viable option, please know that I will stand by you, offering my support and guidance. Together, we will explore all available avenues to manage your condition and maintain your comfort.

I understand that these are trying times, and the decisions ahead may be difficult. Rest assured that you are not alone in this journey. My professional expertise, coupled with our shared trust, will serve as the foundation for any future medical decisions. We will approach each step with careful consideration, always prioritizing your quality of life and personal wishes.

Please feel free to reach out to me at any time should you have further questions or if you require additional support. My team and I are here to assist you in every possible way.

With my deepest respect and unwavering support,

Hans Pichler
Head of the Maxillofacial Surgery Department
First Surgical University Clinic
Vienna, Austria

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Email ordination@smile.wien

Ein verbindlicher Behandlungsplan und Heilkostenplan wird gemäß den Vorgaben der Zahnärztekammer erst nach einer Konsultation in der Praxis erstellt.

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Dr. Michael Truppe

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