


Dear Mr. Freud,

I hope this letter finds you in a moment of comfort amidst the challenges you are facing. Your inquiry regarding the obturator and the use of Orthoform has been received with the utmost importance and care.

The last obturator you mention was likely fashioned to accommodate the changes in the oral cavity following the surgical interventions for your oral cancer. These prostheses are typically custom-made to fit the unique contours of each patient’s surgical site and are designed to restore both function and aesthetics. Given the progressive nature of your condition, it is not uncommon for the obturator to require adjustments or to be remade to ensure the best possible fit and comfort.

As for New Orthoform, it is indeed a substance with which I am familiar. It is a local anesthetic and bactericidal desiccant that has been used to manage pain and promote healing in cases such as yours. The white dusting powder, a hydroxyaminobenzoic ester, was synthesized by Alfred Einhorn and has been shown to be effective in providing relief from discomfort associated with nonhealing wounds in the oral cavity.

In applying New Orthoform, it is important to dust it liberally onto the affected area before inserting the oral prosthesis. This not only helps in numbing the pain but also in keeping the area dry and less susceptible to infection. However, I must stress that the application of any medication should be done under the guidance of a medical professional who can monitor its effects and make adjustments as necessary.

Reflecting on the evolution of medical practice, it is intriguing to consider how we might approach your treatment differently with the advancements available in 2024. The field of regenerative medicine has made significant strides, and there is a growing body of research on the use of stem cells and tissue engineering to repair and regenerate damaged tissues. Additionally, advancements in targeted therapies and immunotherapy have transformed the management of cancer, offering more personalized and less invasive treatment options.

Furthermore, the integration of digital health technologies has revolutionized patient care, allowing for more precise fabrication of prostheses and real-time monitoring of treatment outcomes. The use of 3D printing in dentistry, for example, could potentially allow for the rapid production of customized obturators with improved fit and comfort.

In the realm of pain management, we are witnessing the development of novel analgesics and non-pharmacological interventions, such as neuromodulation techniques, which could offer alternative pathways to pain relief without the side effects associated with traditional medications.

As your physician and a psychoanalyst, I am acutely aware of the interplay between the somatic and psychological aspects of your condition. The distress caused by physical pain can have profound psychological effects, and it is essential to address both in tandem to improve overall well-being. In this regard, I would encourage the continued exploration of psychoanalytic principles to help navigate the emotional landscape of living with a chronic condition.

Please rest assured that your care and comfort remain a priority, and I am committed to providing you with the emotional assistance you need during this time. Should you require further guidance on the use of New Orthoform or the fabrication of a new obturator, do not hesitate to reach out.

With warm regards and in professional solidarity,

Max Schur
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2024-01-07 17:15 Telekonsultation

Dear Professor Freud,

It is with great respect and a sense of professional duty that I address your current needs. I understand that you are in Vienna for a brief period and require a new obturator prosthesis. The last obturator was created to accommodate the changes in the maxillectomy cavity, which, as you are well aware, can alter significantly, especially during the initial healing phases of the oral mucosa.

Given the dynamic nature of your condition, it is imperative that we conduct a thorough examination to assess the current state of the surgical site and the surrounding tissues. This will allow us to determine the precise modifications required for your new obturator. The goal is to ensure optimal fit, function, and comfort, as well as to facilitate speech, deglutition, and, if possible, to maintain your ability to enjoy smoking, despite the associated risks.

Regarding the use of Orthoform, I can confirm that we have a supply of this local anesthetic and are well-versed in its application. As you may recall, Orthoform, and its successor, New Orthoform, have been used effectively to manage pain in cases such as yours. The bactericidal desiccant properties of New Orthoform, in particular, are beneficial in preventing infection and promoting a drier environment for the prosthesis to adhere to.

In light of the most recent medical publications and advancements in the field of maxillofacial surgery, I must mention that if we were to treat your condition in the year 2024, the approach might differ significantly. The advent of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering could potentially offer new avenues for reconstructing defects resulting from maxillectomy. Additionally, advancements in 3D printing technology might allow for the creation of more precise and biocompatible obturators, potentially reducing the need for frequent adjustments.

Furthermore, the use of novel pain management strategies, including targeted drug delivery systems and non-opioid analgesics, could provide more effective and safer options for pain relief. The use of immunotherapy and targeted cancer therapies might also offer more personalized and less invasive treatment modalities for managing oral cancers.

It is also worth noting that the approach to smoking cessation has evolved, with a greater emphasis on the health risks associated with tobacco use. Modern treatments would likely include a strong recommendation to cease smoking, supported by various pharmacological and behavioral interventions.

Please be assured that, despite these future possibilities, my commitment to providing you with the best care possible remains steadfast. I am prepared to utilize all available resources and knowledge to address your needs during your stay in Vienna.

To proceed with the creation of a new obturator and the management of your pain, I kindly ask that you schedule an appointment at your earliest convenience. My team and I stand ready to assist you and ensure that your visit is as comfortable and beneficial as possible.

Yours sincerely,

Hans Pichler
Head of the Maxillofacial Surgery Department
First Surgical University Clinic
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Ordination Dr. Michael Truppe
Albertgasse 3/6 1080 Wien

Telefon 01 408 95 00 66
Email ordination@smile.wien

Ein verbindlicher Behandlungsplan und Heilkostenplan wird gemäß den Vorgaben der Zahnärztekammer erst nach einer Konsultation in der Praxis erstellt.

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Dr. Michael Truppe

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