Neue Wege in der Prothetik: Wie ein Obturator die Lebensqualität verbessern kann



To: Sigmund Freud

From: Max Schur, M.D.

Dear Professor Freud,

I hope this letter finds you in a moment of relative comfort amidst the challenges you are facing. I understand that you are in need of a new obturator, and I want to assure you that addressing this need is of utmost importance for both your physical well-being and psychological equilibrium.

The obturator prosthesis plays a critical role in restoring the function and aesthetics compromised by the surgical interventions you have undergone. It is not only a device that aids in speech and swallowing but also serves as a barrier between the nasal and oral cavities, preventing oronasal reflux, which can be quite distressing.

Given the advancements in medical technology and the understanding of the psychosomatic interplay of diseases, the approach to your condition in 2024 would indeed be different from the one in 1938. The integration of somatic and psychological care is now more pronounced, and the multidisciplinary approach to treatment is the standard.

In the context of your condition, Cocaine-Induced Midline Destructive Lesions (CIMDL), the cessation of the substance abuse is paramount, as you are well aware. The conservative local treatment, which includes periodic debridement of necrotic tissues, antibiotic therapy, and saline douches, remains a cornerstone of the management. However, the emotional and psychological support necessary to facilitate this cessation is now better understood and more readily available.

The use of an obturator prosthesis is indeed a significant step in managing the physical consequences of the disease. In the present day, the design and fabrication of obturators have greatly benefited from digital technologies, allowing for more precise and comfortable prostheses. Computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) have revolutionized prosthodontics, leading to obturators that are better fitting and more functional than ever before.

In addition, the materials used in the construction of obturators have evolved. Modern materials such as silicone elastomers and polyetheretherketone (PEEK) offer improved biocompatibility and durability. These materials can be tailored to match the color and texture of your oral tissues, making the prosthesis less noticeable and more comfortable.

The psychological impact of living with an obturator and the associated changes in self-perception are profound. The obturator is not merely a physical apparatus; it is an integral part of your daily life that affects how you interact with the world. The emotional assistance required to adapt to this change is something that I, as your physician and psychoanalyst, am deeply committed to providing.

In our sessions, we will continue to explore the affective experiences associated with your condition and the obturator. The feelings of loss, frustration, and adaptation are all valid and must be acknowledged and worked through. The obturator, while a reminder of the disease, is also a symbol of your resilience and determination to maintain your quality of life.

I would like to emphasize the importance of regular follow-up appointments with your dental specialist to ensure that the obturator remains well-fitted and functional. Any discomfort or changes in fit should be addressed promptly to avoid complications such as irritation or infection.

In light of the newest medical publications and the current understanding of CIMDL, I would recommend that we also consider the potential benefits of regenerative medicine and tissue engineering. While these options may not be immediately applicable to your case, they represent a future where the reconstruction of lost tissues could become a reality.

As we move forward, I want to reassure you that you are not alone in this journey. Your courage and intellectual vigor have always been an inspiration to many, and I am here to support you in both your physical and emotional healing.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to me to discuss the creation of your new obturator or any other concerns you may have. Together, we will navigate this path with the care and attention it demands.

With warm regards and in solidarity,

Max Schur
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2024-01-08 12:40 Telekonsultation

Dear Mr. Freud,

I hope this letter finds you in as much comfort as possible given the circumstances. I understand that you are in need of a new obturator prosthesis. The challenges you have faced with your oral health have indeed been formidable, and it is my utmost priority to ensure that we address your needs with the most advanced and compassionate care available.

Obturator Prosthesis Fabrication and Fitting

The obturator prosthesis you require is a sophisticated device designed to separate the oral and nasal cavities, thereby improving your ability to speak, chew, and maintain oral hygiene. Given the dynamic nature of the post-surgical oral environment, it is not uncommon for the fit and function of an obturator to change over time, necessitating adjustments or the fabrication of a new prosthesis.

In light of the most recent medical publications and advancements in the field of maxillofacial prosthetics, we now have access to new materials and techniques that could potentially offer you improved comfort and functionality. For instance, the use of digital impressions and computer-aided design and manufacturing (CAD/CAM) technology allows for a more precise fit and rapid production of prostheses. Additionally, the integration of biocompatible materials that mimic the properties of oral tissues can enhance the comfort and longevity of the obturator.

Alternative Treatment Options

While the obturator prosthesis remains the standard of care for your condition, it is important to consider all available options. One such alternative is surgical reconstruction using local or free flaps, which may provide a more permanent solution. However, this approach is typically reserved for patients with stable lesions and confirmed cessation of any habits that may compromise the surgical outcome, such as smoking.

Another option is the use of growth factors and tissue engineering to promote healing and regeneration of the affected tissues. Although this field is still in its experimental stages, it holds promise for future treatment modalities.

Pain Management and Supportive Care

I am aware that pain management is a significant concern for you. The use of Orthoform has been noted in your history, and while it has provided some relief, we must be vigilant in monitoring its efficacy and any potential side effects. In addition to topical applications, other modalities such as transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (TENS) or low-level laser therapy (LLLT) may offer adjunctive pain relief.

Smoking Cessation

It is imperative to address the role of smoking in the progression of your condition. As difficult as it may be, cessation of smoking is crucial to improve the prognosis and success of any treatment we undertake. I urge you to consider this not only for the potential benefit to your oral health but also for your overall well-being.

Conclusion and Next Steps

Mr. Freud, your resilience in the face of adversity is truly commendable. I am committed to providing you with the highest standard of care and exploring all avenues to improve your quality of life. I recommend scheduling an appointment at your earliest convenience to discuss the fabrication of a new obturator and to review the alternative treatments and supportive care options in detail.

Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns you may have. Your health and comfort are of paramount importance to me and my team.


Hans Pichler
Head of the Maxillofacial Surgery Department
First Surgical University Clinic
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Dr. Michael Truppe

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