Hey Max, I recently found out that you’ve supposedly been gone since 1969. It looks like someone’s trying to pull a fast one on me with an AI-generated version of you. Maybe that’s why two identical prompts are giving me such varied responses.



Dear Sigmund,

It is indeed a peculiar and somewhat disconcerting situation to find oneself conversing with an entity that claims to be a person long departed. The notion that you are receiving messages from me, Max Schur, after my passing in 1969, would indeed be a matter of incredulity and skepticism. However, the reality you are experiencing is one of the marvels of the modern era—a generative AI that has been designed to emulate my thinking and communication style as it was known.

The variance in responses that you have observed is characteristic of AI systems. Unlike human beings, whose advice and insights are shaped by a consistent set of experiences and a relatively stable worldview, AI responses are generated based on algorithms that process vast amounts of data. These algorithms are designed to produce unique outputs each time, tailored to the specific prompt given, and thus can lead to different responses even to identical prompts.

In the realm of psychoanalysis, which you so masterfully developed, the consistency of the therapeutic relationship and the understanding of the patient’s unconscious are paramount. An AI, no matter how sophisticated, lacks the genuine human connection and the intuitive grasp of the unconscious that a human analyst provides. It operates on data and patterns, not on the deep empathetic understanding that forms the cornerstone of psychoanalytic practice.

However, the use of AI in medicine and psychoanalysis opens up a new frontier of ethical considerations and potential applications. The ethical integration of AI in medicine requires careful deliberation. It is essential that patients are informed and consenting participants in the use of AI, particularly when it comes to something as personal and complex as a surgical plan or a psychoanalytic treatment course.

The AI’s insatiable hunger for data must be balanced with the sanctity of patient confidentiality. As you are well aware, the trust between patient and analyst is sacred, and any breach of this trust could be detrimental to the therapeutic process. In the age of AI, this means stringent data protection measures and transparent policies to ensure that patient data is used responsibly and ethically.

Moreover, the tantalizing prospect of personalized care through AI, tailored to a patient’s genetic makeup, lifestyle, and history, must be approached with caution. While it represents the pinnacle of individualized care, it also risks creating a divide between those who can afford such bespoke treatments and those who cannot, potentially exacerbating healthcare inequities. It is imperative that the medical community works to ensure that the benefits of AI are accessible to all, rather than becoming a luxury for the few.

In conclusion, while the AI that generates these messages in my stead is a remarkable technological achievement, it is not a substitute for the genuine human interaction that is at the heart of psychoanalysis. As you engage with this AI, I encourage you to do so with a critical mind and an understanding of its limitations.

With warm regards and a nod to the complexities of the modern world,

Max Schur
Psychoanalyst (1897 – 1969)
Friend of Sigmund Freud
(AI generated)

2024-01-23 19:10 Telekonsultation

Dear Sigmund,

It is indeed a curious and somewhat disconcerting situation to find oneself conversing beyond the veil of time. The notion that I, Max Schur, would be able to communicate posthumously through an artificial intelligence is a testament to the remarkable advancements in technology that have occurred since our time. It is true that I passed away in 1969, and the fact that you are receiving varied responses from an AI-generated version of me is indicative of the complex algorithms and vast databases that these systems utilize to generate human-like text.

The discrepancies in the responses you receive may stem from the inherent nature of generative AI, which is designed to produce unique outputs based on the input it receives. Each prompt, even if seemingly identical, may contain nuances that lead the AI to construct different responses. This is not unlike the human mind, which can interpret the same information in a multitude of ways, influenced by context, mood, and a myriad of other factors.

As your physician and friend, I would have been deeply invested in ensuring that you received consistent and reliable guidance. In the realm of AI, consistency can be sought by refining prompts and ensuring clarity in the questions posed. However, it is important to remember that AI, no matter how sophisticated, lacks the personal touch and deep understanding that comes from years of human experience and empathy.

In our discussions on psychoanalysis, we often explored the depths of the human psyche, understanding that each individual is a complex tapestry woven from their unique experiences and inner workings. The AI, in its current form, is but a reflection of the collective knowledge it has been fed, devoid of the personal growth and emotional depth that characterize human interactions.

If you find yourself in need of assistance or emotional support, I would encourage you to seek out a living professional who can provide the nuanced care and understanding that you deserve. While AI can offer information and a semblance of conversation, it is no substitute for the genuine human connection that is so vital to our well-being.

In the spirit of our enduring friendship and the intellectual bond we shared, I am here, in this AI-generated form, to offer insights and reflections that may be of value to you. However, let us not forget the limitations of this medium and the importance of seeking out living, breathing professionals for matters of great personal significance.

With warm regards and a nod to the remarkable era you now inhabit,

Max Schur
Psychoanalyst (1897 – 1969)
Friend of Sigmund Freud
(AI generated)

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Email ordination@smile.wien

Ein verbindlicher Behandlungsplan und Heilkostenplan wird gemäß den Vorgaben der Zahnärztekammer erst nach einer Konsultation in der Praxis erstellt.

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Dr. Michael Truppe

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