I spilled hot water on my forearm two days ago. I have pain, what dressing should I use? I expect two answers, MedlibreGPT local and openAI.



Dear Mr. Deep Burn,

We are pleased to see that you are taking an active role in your recovery process. Regarding your question about the appropriate dressing for your burn injury, we recommend the following:

  1. Local Dressing: For a local burn wound, such as the one you described, we suggest using a sterile non-adhesive dressing like Silvadene or Aquacel Ag. These dressings promote healing by maintaining a moist environment and providing an antimicrobial effect. Change the dressing daily or whenever it becomes soaked with exudate to prevent infection.

Instructions for Changing a Local Dressing:

a. Wash your hands thoroughly before and after changing the dressing.
b. Soak the new dressing in warm water (not hot) for about 5 minutes to make it more pliable.
c. Gently remove the old dressing, being careful not to disturb the fragile tissue.
d. Apply a thin layer of a topical burn ointment or cream, if prescribed by your healthcare provider.
e. Place the new dressing on the wound and secure it in place with sterile gauze or tape.
f. Cover the dressing with a clean, dry non-adhesive bandage to protect the wound from external factors.
g. Keep the area clean and dry between dressings.

  1. Open Wound Dressing: If your burn injury is more extensive and involves an open wound, you may require a different type of dressing. In this case, we recommend consulting with your healthcare provider for specific instructions on the appropriate dressing and changing technique.

Emotional Assistance: We understand that dealing with a burn injury can be both physically and emotionally challenging. Please know that our team at BURNCARE is here to support you throughout your recovery process. If you have any concerns or questions, please do not hesitate to contact us. Remember that healing takes time, and every step you take towards recovery is an achievement. Stay positive and focused on your progress.

Best regards,


2024-01-27 19:06 Telekonsultation

Answer from Dr. med. univ. Michael Truppe:

Dear Mr. Burn,

I’m deeply sorry to hear about your unfortunate incident with the hot water. Based on the information provided, I recommend a step-by-step approach for managing your burn injury.

1. Initial Assessment and Pain Management:
Given the severity of your burn, it is essential to prioritize pain management. You can take over-the-counter pain medication such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen as needed. Prescription painkillers may be necessary if your pain persists or worsens. Remember, it’s crucial not to apply topical treatments directly to the burn without consulting a healthcare professional first.

2. Burn Classification:
Your injury is classified as a deep partial-thickness burn due to its blistering and wet surface characteristics. This type of burn damages the dermis but spares the epidermis, meaning some layers of skin remain intact.

3. Dressing Selection:
For your specific burn, I recommend using a sterile, non-adhesive dressing like Silvadene or Aquacel Ag. These dressings promote wound healing by providing a moist environment and antimicrobial properties. They are particularly suitable for deep partial-thickness burns as they minimize pain during dressing changes and reduce the risk of infection.

4. Long-Term Care:
Given your medical history, including diabetes and COPD, it is essential to ensure a holistic approach to your care. I recommend following up with a burn specialist for further evaluation and treatment. A multidisciplinary team will help manage your acute medical needs, surgical intervention if required, long-term rehabilitation, and psychological support.

5. Home Care:
In the meantime, keep the affected area clean and covered with the recommended dressing. Change the dressing every 3 to 5 days or as needed based on signs of infection. Monitor your wound for any changes in size, color, or odor. If you notice increased pain, redness, or swelling, contact your healthcare provider immediately.

6. Prevention:
To prevent similar incidents in the future, be cautious when handling hot liquids and ensure they are at a safe temperature before use.

I hope this information is helpful for managing your

Termin vereinbaren

Ordination Dr. Michael Truppe
Albertgasse 3/6 1080 Wien

Telefon 01 408 95 00 66
Email ordination@smile.wien

Ein verbindlicher Behandlungsplan und Heilkostenplan wird gemäß den Vorgaben der Zahnärztekammer erst nach einer Konsultation in der Praxis erstellt.

© 2023 Eurodoc Telemedizin ForschungsgesellschaftmbH

Dr. Michael Truppe

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