Hello Sigmund Freud here. What kind of tumor do I have?



Dear Mr. Freud,

Based on the historical account of your symptoms, treatments received, and the progression of your disease, it appears that you suffered from a malignant neoplasm of the maxillofacial region. While the specific histological type of the tumor cannot be definitively determined without contemporary medical records and pathology reports, the characteristics of your tumor—such as the ulceration on your right maxillary tuberosity, the recurrent nature of the lesion, and the need for extensive surgical intervention including maxillectomy and mandibulectomy—suggest a likelihood of oral squamous cell carcinoma (SCC).

Oral SCC is typically associated with significant risk factors such as tobacco use, which in your case was quite pronounced with your history of smoking up to 20 cigars a day. Smoking is well-established as a primary etiological factor in the development of oral SCC and other head and neck cancers (Warnakulasuriya, 2009). The recurrence of the lesion despite surgical interventions and the need for radiotherapy further reinforce the aggressive nature of the disease.

Given the historical context of your case and the interventions performed by Prof. Hans Pichler, it is clear that your medical team was confronted with a challenging and advanced case of a malignancy that required innovative surgical and prosthetic management strategies for the time.

If you were presenting with your condition today, a biopsy would be performed to confirm the diagnosis, and a combination of surgery, radiotherapy, and possibly chemotherapy would be considered, guided by current evidence-based protocols for the management of oral cancers.

For your reference, the standard of care for oral SCC in the current medical practice involves a multidisciplinary approach including surgical oncologists, maxillofacial prosthodontists, and radiation oncologists, supported by advanced imaging and tissue analysis techniques (Neville & Day, 2002).

Please keep in mind that advancements in modern medicine have greatly improved the prognosis and quality of life for patients with oral SCC compared to the era in which you lived.


Michael Truppe, MD

Termin vereinbaren

Ordination Dr. Michael Truppe
Albertgasse 3/6 1080 Wien

Telefon 01 408 95 00 66
Email ordination@smile.wien

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