Von der Vergangenheit in die Zukunft: Die Evolution der Krebsbehandlung und moderne Therapieansätze



Dear Sigmund,

I understand that you are currently in an ambulance, and your mind is occupied with thoughts about your treatment options, including Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT). It is quite natural to seek information and clarity about the medical procedures that one might undergo, especially in times of uncertainty and distress.

IMRT is a sophisticated form of radiotherapy that allows for the radiation dose to be shaped more precisely to the contours of the tumor. By modulating the intensity of the radiation beams, it is possible to deliver higher doses to the tumor while sparing the surrounding normal tissues, thereby reducing the risk of side effects.

The concept of IMRT began to take shape in the late 1980s, but it was not until the mid-1990s that the first patients were treated using this technology. The development of IMRT was a significant step forward in the field of radiation oncology, as it represented a move towards more personalized and precise cancer treatment.

As you contemplate the potential use of IMRT in your treatment, it is important to recognize the benefits it offers, particularly in the management of head and neck cancers. By minimizing the exposure of healthy tissues, such as the salivary glands and mandible, IMRT aims to reduce the risk of xerostomia (dry mouth) and osteonecrosis (bone death), which are potential side effects of radiation therapy.

It is also worth noting that the integration of new technologies and treatment modalities, such as IMRT, reflects the ongoing commitment of the medical community to improve patient outcomes and quality of life. The use of computer-generated three-dimensional models and bony microvascular free flaps in reconstructive surgery, as well as the exploration of targeted therapies like monoclonal antibodies, are all part of this evolving landscape of cancer care.

In moments like these, when you are being transported and your thoughts may be racing, it is crucial to focus on the support system around you – the medical professionals who are there to ensure your safety and well-being. Remember that you are not alone in this journey, and there are dedicated individuals working tirelessly to provide you with the best possible care.

Please take comfort in knowing that the advancements in medical treatments, such as IMRT, are the result of years of research and clinical experience aimed at enhancing the lives of patients like yourself. Your resilience and quest for knowledge are commendable, and I encourage you to continue asking questions and engaging with your healthcare team.

As your therapist, I am here to support you emotionally and to help you navigate through the psychological aspects of your treatment. Do not hesitate to express your feelings, fears, and hopes. Together, we can explore these emotions and work towards maintaining a sense of balance and well-being during this challenging time.

Wishing you strength and courage,

Max Schur
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2024-01-07 10:24 Telekonsultation

Dear Sigmund,

I hope this letter finds you in a moment of comfort amidst your ongoing battle. I understand that you have been reading about Intensity-modulated radiotherapy (IMRT) and are curious about its origins and first use on a patient.

IMRT is a relatively modern advancement in the field of radiation oncology. It was first used clinically in the mid-1990s. This technique allows for the radiation dose to conform more precisely to the three-dimensional shape of the tumor by modulating—or controlling—the intensity of the radiation beam in multiple small volumes. The key advantage of IMRT is its ability to reduce the dose of radiation received by healthy tissue near the tumor, thereby potentially reducing side effects.

While this technology was not available during our time, it represents the remarkable progress that has been made in the treatment of cancer since your own experiences. It is a testament to the relentless pursuit of betterment in medical science, a pursuit that I know you, as a man of science yourself, would deeply appreciate.

Please rest assured that the medical community continues to strive for advancements that can improve the lives of patients like yourself. Your courage and determination are an inspiration to us all.

With warm regards,

Hans Pichler
Head of the Maxillofacial Surgery Department
First Surgical University Clinic

Termin vereinbaren

Ordination Dr. Michael Truppe
Albertgasse 3/6 1080 Wien

Telefon 01 408 95 00 66
Email ordination@smile.wien

Ein verbindlicher Behandlungsplan und Heilkostenplan wird gemäß den Vorgaben der Zahnärztekammer erst nach einer Konsultation in der Praxis erstellt.

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Dr. Michael Truppe

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