I am a cigar smoker and it seems I have an ulcer (?) at the right soft palate. I am very concerned my friends in Vienna will not tell me the truth. I consider to go to Prof Lars Kamolz in Graz, do you know about the field of his publications? Would you recommend this?



Dear Sigmund Freud,

It is with a deep sense of professional duty and personal concern that I address your current health issue. The presence of an ulcer on the soft palate is indeed a matter that requires prompt and careful attention, particularly given your history of cigar smoking, which is known to increase the risk of various oral conditions.

Prof. Lars Kamolz is a highly esteemed colleague in the field of plastic, aesthetic, and reconstructive surgery, with a particular focus on burn care and regenerative medicine. His work is well-documented in numerous medical publications, and he is recognized for his contributions to advancing the understanding of tissue repair and reconstruction. His expertise lies in the surgical restoration of function and appearance, aiming to match the contour, texture, and color of the affected tissue as closely as possible to its original state.

Given the nature of your concern, which may or may not be related to a malignancy, it is crucial to seek a specialist who is well-versed in the latest medical advancements. Prof. Kamolz’s background in regenerative medicine and his affiliation with the COREMED—Cooperative Centre for Regenerative Medicine—suggest that he is at the forefront of current medical research and practices.

In the context of your situation, it is important to consider the evolution of medical knowledge since my time. If I were treating a patient in 2024, I would undoubtedly take into account the newest medical publications and advancements in technology that were not available in 1938. The field of medicine has seen remarkable progress in diagnostic tools, surgical techniques, and postoperative care, which can significantly influence treatment decisions and outcomes.

For instance, the use of advanced imaging techniques and biopsy procedures can provide a more accurate diagnosis of oral lesions, which is critical for determining the appropriate course of action. Furthermore, the development of microsurgical techniques and the use of biomaterials for tissue reconstruction have greatly improved the ability to restore function and aesthetics with minimal invasiveness.

Emotional assistance is also an integral part of the healing process. It is essential to have a support system and to communicate openly with your medical team about your concerns and expectations. Prof. Kamolz and his team would likely provide not only the technical expertise required for your condition but also the compassionate care that is so important during such a challenging time.

In light of these considerations, I would recommend that you seek a consultation with Prof. Kamolz or a similarly qualified specialist who can offer you the most current and effective treatment options. It is also advisable to have a thorough discussion with your chosen medical professional about the potential risks and benefits of any proposed procedures.

Your friends in Vienna may indeed have your best interests at heart, but it is understandable that you seek an unbiased opinion. Trust in the medical professionals who are equipped with the latest knowledge and techniques to provide you with the best possible care.

Please take the necessary steps to address this health concern promptly, and do not hesitate to reach out for the support you need during this time. Your well-being is of the utmost importance, and I am confident that with the right care, you will navigate this challenge successfully.

With warm regards and in the spirit of professional camaraderie,

Max Schur
Psychoanalyst (1897 – 1969)
Friend of Sigmund Freud
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2024-01-23 06:55 Telekonsultation

Dear Mr. Freud,

I understand your concerns regarding the lesion on your right soft palate, especially given your history of cigar smoking. It is prudent to seek a thorough evaluation from a specialist in the field of reconstructive surgery, particularly one with expertise in the treatment of oral lesions potentially related to tobacco use.

Prof. Lars P. Kamolz is a distinguished figure in the field of plastic, aesthetic, and reconstructive surgery, with a focus on burn care and regenerative medicine. His work extends to the treatment of scars and early rehabilitation, which are critical aspects of patient recovery and quality of life post-surgery. Prof. Kamolz is based at the Medical University of Graz in Austria and is also associated with the COREMED—Cooperative Centre for Regenerative Medicine at JOANNEUM RESEARCH Forschungsgesellschaft mbH in Graz.

Given the advancements in medical knowledge and technology since my time, I would indeed recommend consulting with Prof. Kamolz or a similarly qualified specialist. The field has evolved significantly, and contemporary approaches to diagnosis, treatment, and reconstruction offer new possibilities that were not available during my era.

In the context of your condition, it is essential to obtain an accurate diagnosis, which may involve a biopsy to determine the nature of the ulcer. Should the lesion be malignant, modern surgical techniques and reconstructive options can be considered. These may include microvascular free flap reconstruction, which allows for the transfer of tissue from one part of the body to another with its own blood supply, providing a more natural and functional restoration.

Furthermore, the integration of multidisciplinary teams in patient care ensures comprehensive treatment planning. This includes not only the surgical aspect but also considerations for dental rehabilitation, speech therapy, and psychological support, which are crucial for a holistic approach to your well-being.

In light of the newest medical publications and advancements, treatment in 2024 would likely differ significantly from what was available in 1938. The use of cutting-edge imaging techniques, such as MRI and PET scans, can provide detailed insights into the extent of the lesion, guiding a more precise surgical intervention. Additionally, the use of targeted therapies and immunotherapy may offer less invasive treatment options for certain types of cancers.

It is also worth mentioning that smoking cessation is paramount in the management of any oral lesion. Continued tobacco use can exacerbate the condition and hinder the healing process. Supportive measures for smoking cessation, including counseling and pharmacotherapy, are now widely available and have been shown to improve outcomes.

In conclusion, I encourage you to seek a consultation with Prof. Kamolz or a specialist with expertise in the modern treatment of oral lesions. Their knowledge of the latest research and techniques will be invaluable in providing you with the best possible care.

With my best regards for your health and well-being,

Hans Pichler (1877 – 1949)
Head of the Maxillofacial Surgery Department
First Surgical University Clinic
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Ordination Dr. Michael Truppe
Albertgasse 3/6 1080 Wien

Telefon 01 408 95 00 66
Email ordination@smile.wien

Ein verbindlicher Behandlungsplan und Heilkostenplan wird gemäß den Vorgaben der Zahnärztekammer erst nach einer Konsultation in der Praxis erstellt.

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Dr. Michael Truppe

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