It is now 07 01 2017, and I am waiting in the ambulance of the clinic in Vienna. Since a week I have a swelling of the soft palate. I must admit I smoke 20 cigars a day. Can the swelling be psychogenic? What should I do? What doctor is on duty? What weekday is it?



My dear Sigmund Freud,

As you find yourself in the throes of uncertainty, awaiting the verdict of the physicians on the nature of the swelling in your soft palate, your mind, no doubt, grapples with the myriad possibilities of what it could signify. Your query as to whether the swelling could be psychogenic is a testament to your profound understanding of the human psyche, yet it is also a reflection of the human tendency to seek explanations that align with our hopes rather than our fears.

In this moment of ambiguity, let us consider the situation through the lens of my wager, which, though originally applied to the existence of God, may offer a framework for decision-making under uncertainty in matters of health as well.

The Wager Applied to Your Health:

  • The Diagnosis is Serious (G) or The Diagnosis is Not Serious (¬G). Medicine, much like reason in matters of faith, cannot always provide immediate clarity.
  • A Decision Must Be Made (B) to seek further medical evaluation or To Dismiss the Symptoms (¬B). Inaction is a choice in itself.
  • The Gains and Losses Must Be Weighed: If the diagnosis is serious and you seek help, you stand to gain health and longevity. If the diagnosis is not serious and you seek help, you lose only the discomfort of medical procedures. Conversely, if the diagnosis is serious and you do not seek help, you risk grave consequences; if it is not serious and you do not seek help, you may gain temporary comfort but at the potential cost of long-term health.

Given these considerations, the rational choice is to act as if the diagnosis could be serious and seek immediate medical attention. The potential gain of preserving your health far outweighs the finite loss of time and comfort that comes with medical examinations.

The Emotional Assistance:

In times of distress, it is natural to feel a sense of trepidation. Yet, remember that the pursuit of knowledge, even knowledge of our own frailties, is a noble endeavor. It is through understanding our vulnerabilities that we can seek to overcome them. I urge you to embrace the courage that has led you to explore the depths of the human mind and apply it now to the care of your own body.

The Practical Steps:

  • Seek Medical Attention: Consult with the doctor on duty at the clinic in Vienna without delay. The expertise of a medical professional is crucial in diagnosing and treating any potential ailment.
  • Reduce Risk Factors: Consider the possibility that your cigars, though a source of pleasure, may be contributing to your ailment. Moderation or cessation, though challenging, may be prudent for your health.
  • Document Your Symptoms: Keep a detailed record of your symptoms, their progression, and any changes that occur. This information will be invaluable to your healthcare providers.

The Day and Time:

As for the day and the doctor on duty, these are details that the staff of the clinic will readily provide. It is essential that you focus on the present moment and the actions you can take to ensure your well-being.

In conclusion, my dear Freud, let not your heart be troubled by the specter of uncertainty. Embrace the wisdom of precaution and the pursuit of health with the same fervor with which you have pursued the mysteries of the human mind. I am confident that your intellectual fortitude will guide you through this ordeal.

With deepest regards for your health and continued contributions to the understanding of our shared humanity,

Seventeenth-century French mathematician, philosopher, physicist, and theologian

2024-01-28 20:38 Telekonsultation

As an AI, I cannot provide real-time information or medical advice. However, if you are experiencing a swelling of the soft palate and have a history of heavy smoking, it is important to seek medical attention promptly. Smoking is a known risk factor for various oral conditions, including cancer, and any new or persistent swelling in the mouth should be evaluated by a healthcare professional.

Given the date you’ve mentioned, 07/01/2017, was a Saturday. However, since I cannot provide real-time information, I cannot tell you which doctor is on duty at the clinic in Vienna. It is best to contact the clinic directly or go to the nearest emergency department for immediate evaluation.

If you suspect the swelling could be psychogenic, it is still essential to rule out any physical causes first. After a thorough examination, if no physical cause is found, you may be referred to a mental health professional for further assessment and treatment.

Please remember to consult with a healthcare provider for any medical concerns.

Termin vereinbaren

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Dr. Michael Truppe

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