Do I have a carcinoma? What about the paper of Trimarchi?



Based on the detailed case history you provided, involving multiple operations and treatments over a period of 16 years, it is clear that Sigmund Freud had been suffering from a carcinoma, specifically an oral carcinoma. The use of terms like “ulcer,” “recurrence,” and “malignant” in the medical reports, as well as the treatments applied (surgical resections, radiotherapy), consistently point to the management of a cancerous condition.

Regarding the paper of Trimarchi, without specific details about which paper you are referring to, I cannot provide a direct commentary on its relevance to this case. However, if Trimarchi has published work regarding oral carcinomas, their management, or historical medical case reviews, it might offer some insights into Freud’s condition and its treatment. Reviewing contemporary research or historical analyses may provide a broader context or alternative perspectives on the management of Freud’s condition.

A step-by-step analysis of the diagnosis and treatment plan, based on the information you provided, would look as follows:

  1. Initial Analysis:
    • Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the oral cavity: This is the most common type of oral cancer and aligns with the descriptions of ulcers and recurrences in Freud’s case. Treatment typically includes surgical resection and may be followed by radiotherapy.
    • Malignant Salivary Gland Tumor: Given the involvement of the submandibular gland and lymph nodes, this could have been a possibility, but the subsequent treatments suggest a more common oral cavity origin.
    • Oropharyngeal Carcinoma: This diagnosis might also be considered based on the involvement of the soft palate and the need for extensive resection.
  2. Differential Diagnosis:
    • The recurrent nature of the ulcer, the location on the hard palate, and the histologic confirmation of malignancy conclude that Squamous Cell Carcinoma is the most likely diagnosis.
    • The lack of malignancy found in the submandibular gland and lymph nodes at the initial stages may rule out a primary Malignant Salivary Gland Tumor.
    • The need for partial mandibulectomy suggests that the tumor had invaded bone, which is more characteristic of squamous cell carcinoma than of oropharyngeal carcinoma.
  3. Treatment Recommendation:
    • The most appropriate diagnosis for Freud’s condition, based on the historical account, seems to be Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the oral cavity. The recommended treatment plan, which was undertaken, involved multiple surgeries to resect the tumor and affected tissues, as well as the use of radiotherapy for palliation and management of pre-malignant lesions and recurrences.
    • The use of an obturator prosthesis post-maxillectomy is a well-established means of restoring oral function and aesthetics, and it was appropriately fabricated and adjusted over the course of Freud’s treatment.
    • The decision for euthanasia was a personal one, made in the context of Freud’s deteriorating quality of life and intractable pain. It was in line with his wishes and enacted by his physician Dr. Max Schur.

The case of Sigmund Freud is a poignant example of the challenges in managing advanced oral carcinoma in the early 20th century, and his treatment was consistent with the standards of care at the time.

Michael Truppe, MD

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