Regarding my tumor, is there a publication from Trimarchi about necrosis? Can that be my problem? And what is the Steinbach surgery?



While I cannot provide a specific publication from Trimarchi about necrosis without additional context, necrosis within a tumor can often be a sign of aggressive disease or inadequate blood supply to the tumor tissue. In the context of your medical history and diagnosis, necrosis may have been a component of your oral carcinoma, especially considering the aggressive nature of the disease and the extensive surgical interventions you underwent.

Regarding the “Steinach operation” you mentioned, I believe you meant to refer to it as such, rather than “Steinbach.” The Steinach operation, which you underwent in 1923, was a surgical procedure developed by Eugen Steinach and was based on the premise that by ligating the vas deferens, the balance of hormones in the body would be altered, potentially leading to rejuvenation and improved vitality. At the time, this procedure was posited to have the potential to influence cancer by promoting a more youthful physiological state. However, this concept has since been disproven and the operation is not considered a valid treatment for cancer or for rejuvenation.

The understanding of cancer, its biology, and treatment has evolved significantly since your time. Today’s approach to cancer involves a combination of surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, targeted therapy, and immunotherapy, based on the specific type of cancer and its stage. Additionally, the management of oral cancer now involves a multidisciplinary team including oral and maxillofacial surgeons, medical and radiation oncologists, prosthodontists, and supportive care specialists.

In modern times, the appearance of necrosis within a tumor or postoperative necrosis of tissues would be evaluated carefully, and treatment would be adjusted accordingly, possibly involving further surgical debridement, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, or other advanced wound care techniques depending on the situation.

If you are inquiring about a current condition or seeking information on recent publications related to necrosis and cancer, it would be essential to consult contemporary medical databases and review recent research findings in that specific area. If you have access to the name of the paper or the journal in which it was published, you could find it using academic resources or by consulting a medical librarian.

Michael Truppe, MD

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